Thursday, May 29, 2008

No More Mr. Nice Guy

Word may finally be getting out to the masses that Barack Obama is no "new politician" or some "unifer." He his a typical do-anything-to-win politician who gets in the dirt with the best of them. CNN has just caught up with the Alice Palmer story chronicled on this blog and other places long ago. Well, welcome to the party CNN!

Some usual critics of Obama, such as the Hot Air blog, say that this is no big deal. It's just enforcing the rules. On the contrary, I see it as using technicalities to run over your competition when you don't think you can otherwise win. It's especially unkind to do so to someone who has been kind to you as Palmer was with Obama. No nice guy he.

But both CNN and Hot Air miss the larger point. Obama dealt dirty REPEATEDLY! Not only with Palmer and the other candidates in the Illinois State Senate races (so that he ran UNOPPOSED!), but also in his U.S. Senate race.

Obama's campaign admitted to working to damage his primary opponent Blair Hull with divorce records, and the evidence points to the same in the general election with Jack Ryan. Hopefully, the mass media will get to researching these stories as well. To give everyone a head start, a summary is provided here.

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